Thursday, February 28, 2013

Kids Who Ruined Movies

Think about all those movies you love and enjoy and then think of that thing that you blocked out. Yeah, those little annoying brats in awesome movies. They really do ruin a good movie, don't they?

Here's a list of movies with annoying little brats who ruined them:

Jurassic Park. Tim and Lex Murphy. Possibly the two most annoying kids ever to be in any movie. Why a director puts little kids into a "scary" movie is beyond me. It really takes away the scariness and all you want throughout the movie is for them to die. I don't know about you, but when Tim got electrocuted by the electric fence I was really hoping he died. I know that sounds bad, but that kid was so annoying. Remember Lex's line about being a computer was like what twelve? Then she can hack into the security system?? Come on. If she is that smart she wouldn't be so stupid, like shinning the flashlight at the T-Rex. Good idea there Lex. What kind of name is Lex for a girl anyway, her name is Alexa, I'm sure. So why go with the whole Lex Luthor girl wanna be thing? Plus, Lex Luthor is cool evil genius. And that's just hurting his good name.

Jurrassic Park: The Lost World. Kelly. Why? Why is she in this movie? Nobody cares that Ian has a kid. People like Ian because he is the funny guy in the movie. And then gymnastic girl kills a Velociraptor by swinging and kicking it with her ankles. Not with her feet by the way in which she would have broken her ankles. And the obviousness of the girl swinging wasn't even the same actress. 

Jurassic Park III. The little kid who somehow defends himself against dinosaurs for a number of weeks with his T-Rex pee. Which I really don't want to know how he got. Then as soon as everyone else shows up, he becomes helpless? How did that happen?

Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. Anakin Skywalker. I know he is a big deal for the rest of the movies, but does he have to be so annoying? Little whining brat. I guess we know where Luke got it from.

Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones. Anakin. He never learns, you would think with all his Jedi training, he wouldn't still be a whiner. 

Star Wars Episode VI: The Return of the Jedi. The Ewoks. I know they aren't little kids or are they? No one ever explains what the heck those little teddy bears are. I'm guessing they have the IQ of a little kid since they act like them. So they really do ruin the Battle of Endor. Somehow of group of little furballs with spears and rocks can wipe out an army of the highest advanced military who can take over the rest of the universe fine, but they get killed by Ewoks? Come on. I have to be honest when that first Ewok died, I was happy. 

Terminator Salvation. What purpose does the little girl serve? I had to go back to check, but Judgement day was in 2004 and this movie took place in 2018. That kid was definitely younger than 14, so where did she come from? After millions of people died, she was just born randomly? So her parents obviously died, so how did she not? So millions of strong men and women die, but a little girl doesn't? Thankfully she doesn't talk at all throughout the movie so that decreases her annoyingness. 

Terminator 2: Judgement Day. Young John Conner. Annoying little kid who thinks he's cool. Really hoped for The Terminator to turn on him and kill that little brat.

War of the Worlds. Rachel. Ok, I know that Dakota Fanning was a good child actress at a young age. And I also know that her behavior in this movie was expected, a little kid being scared to death in an alien invasion. But all she did throughout the entire movie was cry, panic, and scream. I don't know about you, but I really wanted to shut that girl up.

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Short Round. What purpose does he serve? None. This movie would have been better without him and that annoying blonde Willie, but that's another story. I don't like watching this movie because of this annoying kid.   

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Mutt Williams. Another useless character. This movie sucked anyway with old Indiana and the whole alien thing, but why bring in another kid? Yes, he is older than Short Round, but he still just as annoying. He does have a few good old guy jokes here and there, but mostly there is no purpose for him in this movie. 

The Santa Clause. Charlie. Perhaps the most annoying kid ever to be in a movie besides Tim and Lex in Jurassic Park. All of his not listening to his father, his whining, and his outstanding annoyingness. When he was climbing on the snowy, slippery roof, I was really hoping for him to slip, fall, and die. 

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. Edmund. Between his constant whining and his whole turning on his brother and two sisters for chocolate. He got better later on, but still.


  1. These are all real good points Slim Tim. Maybe you could do one about the most annoying kids on TV shows too. You could start out with Wesley Crusher on Star Trek, The Next Generation.

  2. I can't stand that little bitch in Terminator 2. It's his annoying shriek that gets to me.
