Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Who Will Play Batman?

Now that there is an upcoming Batman/Superman movie. Who will play The Dark Knight?

As you can probably guess, there have been tons of rumors and suggestions flying around. A lot of which I can't see happening or if they do, I'd be disappointed. Batman can't be too comical, he has to be serious. Especially to fit into the Man of Steel universe.

My top picks for Batman would be:

Michael Fassbender: He would be an awesome Batman. He already is an awesome Magneto for Marvel. He can pull off Bruce Wayne and he wouldn't have to make up a voice for Batman, he already has an awesome voice.

Benedict Cumberbatch: Also has an awesome Batman like voice. Plus he has the Bruce Wayne look. He was awesome in Star Trek Into Darkness. He would be a good choice for Batman.

Josh Halloway: Halloway isn't as a known actor as the rest of my list, but he was in Lost and he was in Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol.

Luke Evans: Luke Evans is probably one of my favorite upcoming actors. He can play tons of different kinds of characters. He's played the villain in Fast 6, he was Zeus in Immortals, he was Apollo in Clash of the Titans, he was Aramis in Three Musketeers, he's going to be Bard in The Hobbit, and he's going to be Dracula. I can picture him playing Batman/Bruce Wayne too.

Jeremy Renner: Another one of my favorite upcoming actors. He's been in The Bourne Legacy, Mission Impossible, The Avengers, the Hurt Locker, The Town, and Hansel and Gretel. I can see his Bourne Legacy and Avengers roles becoming a Batman.  

Karl Urban: Urban would be a good Batman as well. Coming from his parts in different movies such as Dredd, The Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, Riddick, and the upcoming TV series Almost Human. He's already proved to be awesome wearing a mask in Dredd, he's already got the dark hair to be Bruce Wayne. He hasn't really been in any Bruce Wayne type parts that I can think of, but he's a good actor he could pull it off.

Who do you think will play Batman in the upcoming Batman/Superman movie? Leave your thoughts below.

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