Saturday, May 11, 2013

What Ever Happened To Video Games?

Remember in the old days when you could play a game and unlock new characters, new maps, new costumes, etc.. I miss those days.

Now, you can't do that. Everything, is a DLC and you always have to buy it. So you have to pay extra for things that should already be in the game. 

I recently played Playstation All-Stars (a copy off Smash Bros.) and I was expected to unlock characters after beating the single player with my character, but no. Didn't happen, I didn't get anything. Nothing. Not even a alternate costume for my character. I figured it was like Smash Bros., after beating the single player with a character you would unlock a character or a new stage. It's not. Nothing is anymore. Every game I have, there are DLCs that I have to buy to unlock more stuff. To put it bluntly, it's stupid.

I'm not sure what I was thinking when I bought Injustice: God's Among Us. It's the same thing. No unlockable characters, BUT WAIT! There's a DLC coming out soon! So after buying this game, now the only way I'm going to get more characters is by buying a $15 DLC, so to add that onto the already $60, so I'd be paying $75 dollars for a game that honestly isn't even that good. 

When buying a game for $60 bucks, it better have unlockable stuff in it. If they want to keep making DLCs, they should decrease the prices of the games to like $40 then tell you that you can buy a $20 DLC if you want to. That seems reasonable to me. 

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