Yes, it's true. Disney, besides making the new trilogy, are making standalone movies. At first I wasn't really a fan, because it was rumored that they were going to do one on Yoda. Yoda's story is more of a mystery and I kinda like it like that. But then they said they probably weren't going to do a Yoda movie and it was a false rumor, so I was glad.
But, Disney is going to give Han Solo and Boba Fett their own standalone movies. Personally, they are the perfect two to start off standalones.
Han Solo. They can do a whole lot with him. Like how did he get the Millenium Falcon from Lando? How did he meet Lando? How did he meet Chewy? What did he do before he got the Millenium Falcon? Why does he owe Jabba money? Why does he hate droids? They can do so much with his story. I'm not sure who they could get to play a young Han Solo. They can't use the same person, unfortunately, as who they use in Episode 7. The age difference is too great. But this movie will be awesome.
Boba Fett. Boba is one of my favorite characters in Star Wars. We already know where he came from. We all learned his beginning story in Episode 2. But, we can learn everything he did between Episodes 3-4. I remember when I was younger, I read a series of Star Wars books called Boba Fett. Basically telling his story from when Jango died to Episode 5. Pretty cool series. But Boba is an awesome character and I can't wait until his standalone movie comes out.
Disney is also saying that these two movies are only the beginning. So who else are they going to make? They can do a lot of different people. Here are a few stories I would like to see:
Count Dooku. Since he used to be a jedi, how did he fall to become a Sith?
Qui-Gon Jinn. He could fit in with Dooku's story or vice versa. Since Dooku is Jinn's master. That would be pretty cool to see his story line.
Even though it isn't a person, I would like to see The Old Republic become a movie. The Old Republic which has been a few video games and books, takes place before Episode 1. It's pretty cool, it has a lot to do with the Sith and the Jedi.
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